Grand Prairie Genealogical Society

Find Area deaths in SmallTownPapers

On our links pages if you bring down the drop down menu and click on "Newspapers & Magazines" you will find a link to SmallTownPapers®.  They have over 250  papers that you can search either by Title or by State.  You will be able to find some Grand Prairie people in some of these papers so we'd like to give you a step by step guide for your first time search.
Go to our LINKS page and select "Newspapers & Magazines" from the drop down menu
Select:  SmallTownPapers® This will bring up a new window with their website.
Select: Browse by State
Scroll down to the state you wish to search. 
(i.e.Texas) and you will see a list of the newspapers on the SmallTown Papers webpage.
Select the newspaper you wish to search.  (For this example we are selecting THE MALAKOFF NEWS.)
Select "Scanned Archives of Malakoff News"
Select the "Search the archives" button.
Type in Grand Prairie and then press Search.

You will need to watch for key words typically used in obit notices. These include, but not limited to,  Funeral; burial; graveside; grandchildren; rites, officiating, maiden name and pallbearers.  Of course you might think of others. 
Note: after you select the obit you are interested in, use your browsers "back" button. You will need to re-type the search terms again.  Typing in new search terms wil research all of the papers for your keyword.  It will not search only the previous selections.
If you have a particular name you are researching you can type in a surname and then press Search. You may get many results and you may need to narrow your scope of research and enter surname and given name.